Thursday, September 15, 2011

Middleville Wesleyan 2011 Pioneer Clubs Kick Off

Middleville Wesleyan Church has jump started the year!   
We are so excited!  Can hardly contain ourselves!
I love this place!

And here the youngsters of all ages blasted, hurled and pitched flying balls at targets, transitioning into learning about Christ, having a great time, finding trust, walking forward, and a few more fantastic facts.

Amazingly the evening started as the temperature plummeted!  From 80 to 40 in hours, just like 3 leaders in our worship went from dry to wet... just like that! 

Pioneer Clubs have a depth of learning... a stretch of years and an imprint that lasts forever.  Our children... whether children from our family tree... or our family neighborhood are welcome to be part of a group, a club that is geared to their age.  Leaders are faithful organizing games, lessons and songs.

Thank you for being a part of this lifetime adventure!  

We are told to "Feed my sheep."  I think we covered sheep, butterflies, tigers and tattooed beauties!
So many ways to do this... so many times it needs to be done.  
Not only did the hot dogs smell good... but oh my... they were cooked to perfection!
We welcome you to our fellowship.  Come share our faith and join our church family.  We believe the simple truth that Jesus Christ, God's one and only son came to life.  Jesus was born of a virgin, lived, had friends and fellowship, grew in all the ways as we have.  He died for our sin, nailed to a cross.  He suffered.  He bled.  He died.  He rose from the dead and lives at the Father's right hand.  He is our advocate.  He is our access to the Father.  He LOVES you, and me!  
Come and join us!   Life is so much better when you know you are forgiven and on your way to Heaven! 
Yes, Jesus loves me... the Bible tells me so.
Come to Middleville Wesleyan where we study God's word, his living word and join our fellowship.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quote from Dear Graduate by Chuck Swindoll

What is our challenge? 

Which giants make you feel like a grasshopper when you face them? 

What does your future resemble when you measure it on the basis of facts and figures?

Vision - the one essential ingredient for being an original in a day of copies...

Vision is the ability to see God's presence, to perceive God's power, to focus on God's plan in spite of the obstacles.

from: Dear Graduate Letter of Wisdom From Charles Swindoll

Monday, August 1, 2011


Recently sickness zoomed in our lives.  Sickness came upon beloved church members, family members and then ever so close to home... right in the door: WHAM!

A Psalm of obsession relates to the storm that crashed through the lives of these loved ones.

This Psalm is so well written by Joseph Bayly  from his book: Psalms of My Life.

A Psalm of obsession

In times of crisis
when we don't know
which way
the scales will tip
all else is
We couldn't care less about money
about what we eat
or whether.
We don't notice
comments that would ordinarily
disturb us.
Our mind is honed
to single edge.
You loom above all else
fill our horizon.
Your will
becomes our food
our drink
the very air we breathe.
Too soon
the crisis passes
and we're right back
where we were
Dear Lord forgive.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Front Door Opened

Don't we love it when success comes storming in the front door?

* Saturday Garage Sale!  check!  Thank you everyone for donations, attendance and purchases.  We know how important our youth are, and how we all need each other. Guidance in teen years is cherished.  How wonderful that much of the success of the garage sale will help carry this charge throughout the year.
Bob and Melissa: WOW.  Dedication, insight and accomplishment spearheaded into success.

* Sunday Morning Service!  Heartfelt thanks to Pastor for opening history, explaining events, encouraging change, and preaching the Gospel. 
Acts 10  There was a man named Cornelius who lived in Caesarea, captain of the Italian Guard stationed there.   He was a thoroughly good man.  He had led everyone in his house to live worshipfully before God, was always helping people in need, and had the habit of prayer.
Pastor brought a 'feel good' background into a vivid picture.  Filled in historical facts and charged our congregation with knowledge of a omnipotent God.  Although Gentiles were considered unclean; Peter is the action figure who received confirmation for us to know that God loves us and yearns for us to be part of his church.

Looking for a place of worship?  Come to Middleville Wesleyan Church.  Be a part of our church family you can come out of the storm and in through our door.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Far From Home

Miles and moments of madness does not separate one from the love of godly people.  Middleville Wesleyan Church, you are a family of believers, prayer warriors and caregivers.  A house of God that knows what it means to be a sermon in shoes.  We walk with each other, even when life takes us on a distant path.

"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' New American Standard Bible

Friday, June 10, 2011

An Invitation

You are invited to come and worship with us at Middlevile Wesleyan Church. 

Never been invited to a church before? 

Well, now that has changed! 

Walk through the door, be greeted and meet some folk that will become your church family! 
Come worship the King

There is fellowship here, but most of all the preaching of the Word of God.  How blessed we are to meet together each Sunday Morning. 

JOIN us!
Sunday School:   10 A.M.
Worship Service: 11 A.M.
Bibles are in the pew waiting to be opened by you!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 5, 2011

Pat Patchett bringing snacks to Pioneer Club
Sunday is church supper. Great time to get together and chat and chew!  Bring a dish to share, spend some time to care! 

Easter Sunday
Thanks in advance for all of the preparation work that will be put into this event.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prayer Changes Things

Even when life pulls one away from church family, it is so important to continue to pray for the fellowship 'back home'. Lifting in prayer, and being lifted equals pure encouragement. And we were told to be courageous.
Tonight is Pioneer Club, and those children need our attention, encouragement and prayers. Continue in this!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Haman's Ears a Tasty Finish to the Study of Esther

Haman's Ears served up, warm with an aroma that filled the room. The only thing better was the company of the women attending today's Bible Study at Middleville Wesleyan Church. Savory and sweet... wholesome too as they are made from whole wheat flour. Okay, lots of yummy filling was put in there by Dawna; therefore the dish was passed not just a few times around the table! Thank you Dawna.
Bitter sweet though. Because this was the final week of Beth Moore's study on the book of Esther. Fascinating, enthralling, educational, emotional and rewarding: wow, what a study. Ten terrific weeks culminated in another party of sorts.
Our prayer group and Bible study will jump right into Max Lucado's 3:16 study.
The jacket of the book describes it as an interactive small group study guide, based on the book 3:16. Max Lucado unpacks the incredible message of John 3:16, illuminating one of the most beloved Scriptures in the entire gospel.
*Scripture-focused lesson
*Interactive questions for reflection and meditation
*Twelve weeks of study

Come join us, your input is sought, your time is worth it!