Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pioneer Clubs

We did it!
The new year has officially been kicked off! Not kicked off the bus, or kicked off the team... Quite the opposite!
Fireworks could have been going off at Middleville Wesleyan Church on October 7, 2009. Clubs were a hopping, songs were shouted out with joy... the rooms were vibrating with youth. Even the leaders who haven't been called youths for some time were recognizing that youthfulness is catchy.

I have first hand experience with the Pathfinders... nine 3rd and 4th graders who were ready to have some good ole fellowship. Meaning ready to play some games, laugh out loud, win in the sword drill, and know that God loves them more than anything they can or ever will imagine.
It was a new club: last year's second graders were now in third and therefore in Pathfinders. New leader: Mrs. Jo jumped in and gave her warm smiles to all. AND we have a new classroom. WOW. The room is ours.
Want to be part of this experience? There is always room for more volunteers, and MORE Clubbers! Bring the kids, bring the neighbors! Let's stretch the walls a bit further.